The Power of Leadership

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The Aeneid puts in perspective how important having a strong leader is in accomplishing our goals. This idea can be put into use in various situations in society today. Our presidential elections, schools, and even the head of our household are important in achieving a common goal. Strong leadership creates order and productivity.

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The presidential elections are important to the citizens since we will be counting on the president to be the face of the country. We seek a ruler whose confident, devoted to his cause, and intelligent, very similar to the characteristics Aeneas portrays in the Aeneid, since he encounters many obstacles and overcomes them with his people in mind utilizing his drive to accomplish his goal. The reason we are so displeased with our presidential candidates is that we are not sure if Hilary and Trump are up for representing our country. We do not have trust in Hilary, and without trust in a leader we cannot fully commit to obey their rules. Aeneas for example had his people’s trust and support and was able to become a capable ruler, because trust is the foundation in being a good leader. Trump on the other hand also lacks trust from various groups of people such as the Hispanic community, the Muslim community, and various Feminist Groups, He also lacks ability in creating concrete plans for his suggestions, and so we can’t take his confidence seriously. The leadership qualities are lacking in both candidates, so it is difficult to entrust our county to them. We are far from having the faith many characters in the Aeneid have towards their leaders.

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The importance of leadership can be seen in schools in our teachers. We rely on our teachers to guide students through different subjects and address students’ questions and concerns. Teachers are often also in charge of implementing rules that students must follow, and are even allowed to punish students when necessary such as lowering a student’s grade. This is the way in which order is established and lends the teacher authority over a student. The idea of being controlled by a higher power is also established in the Aeneid in the way that the gods control Aeneas’s actions, which ultimately helps Aeneas stay on track towards his goal. This is similar to the way in which teachers help students stay on track towards getting an education, promoting productivity as a leader.

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The importance of leadership can be observed in our households. The patriarchal system is still very popular in today’s society. The man is usually seen as the head o f the household and maintains order, but is also seen as the person to seek help from when there is trouble. This is similar to the Aeneid which is centered on the patriarchal system, and looks to Aeneas as the protector of his people. Although we still have strong female characters such as Dido, the leaders are mostly male and the protagonist of the Aeneid is also male. This is similar to the way we have female leaders today, but they are still outnumbered by the male population.

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Overall, leadership is something that governs our everyday life. The Aeneid focuses on the journey and duties of a leader. Through Aeneas’s leadership, the Trojans goal is accomplished and order for them is restored. Leaders are futile in making sure tasks run smoothly and productively.

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